​Raymonds Auction

Full information about place - Establishment "​Raymonds Auction" at 8154 U.S. 64, Trinity, NC 27370. You may find here reviews, address, phone number, website, work hours and etc.


Phone number:
+1 336-442-1516

8154 U.S. 64, Trinity, NC 27370
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Reviews about ​Raymonds Auction

  • Paul Taylor
    Mar, 12 2018
    ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
    This is an excellent and fast paced auction house. Always have found them to be very fair. If I didn't, I wouldn't drive from Durham/Wake county line for their auction.
    Just wish they had a way to post what they had coming up for auction rather than generic "household items, etc.".
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​Raymonds Auction

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